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N Scale > Locomotives > Fox Valley Models

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Road Image SKU Description Price Status
1. 282-70235 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44AC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, AC traction) - DCC READY - Canadian National (CN) # 2801 - (Units assigned to Prince George used from Prince Rupert to Chicago) (PWRS Exclusive) - Expected Release Date: 2015-11-01 $130.00 US Add to Cart
2. 282-70236 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44AC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, AC traction) - DCC READY - Canadian National (CN) # 2824 - (Units assigned to Prince George used from Prince Rupert to Chicago) (PWRS Exclusive) - Expected Release Date: 2015-11-01 $130.00 US Add to Cart
3. 282-70237 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44AC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, AC traction) - DCC READY - Canadian National (CN) # 2862 - (Units assigned to Prince George used from Prince Rupert to Chicago) (PWRS Exclusive) - Expected Release Date: 2015-11-01 $130.00 US Add to Cart
4. 282-70238 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44AC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, AC traction) - DCC READY - Canadian National (CN) # 2868 - (Units assigned to Prince George used from Prince Rupert to Chicago) (PWRS Exclusive) - Expected Release Date: 2015-11-01 $130.00 US Add to Cart
5. 282-70310 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44DC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, DC traction) - Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF)(#7236) "Christmas Loco" (Special Limited Run) (Dec 2010) (Sold Out at Fox Valley) - Expected Release Date: 2010-12-01 $119.95 US Add to Cart
6. 282-70311 Fox Valley Models - N Scale - ES44DC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, DC traction) - Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) #7256) "Christmas Loco" (Special Limited Run) (Dec 2010) (Sold Out at Fox Valley) - Expected Release Date: 2010-12-01 $119.95 US Add to Cart
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