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Atlas - HO Scale - GE DASH 8-40CW Locomotive - Silver Sound Ready - Union Pacific (UP) #9412 - Yellow/Gray/Red with Red Lettering (SKU 150-10004496)

Available On: June 1, 2025






First built for Union Pacific in the late 1980’s by General Electric, the DASH 8-40C diesel locomotives were identified by an enlarged exhaust stack and the mounting of the dynamic brake grids in a square-like unit behind the cab, which housed an enlarged equipment blower fan. These six-axle, 4,000 hp engines are still in service today in North America.

The 4,000hp Dash 8-40CW was produced by General Electric between 1989 and 1993 as a follow-up to the successful Dash 8-40C locomotive. The most distinguishing feature of this model was the introduction of GE’s version of the wide-nose “North American Safety Cab.” This style of cab would become a common sight on railroads across the country. Four major railroads purchased the Dash 8-40CW in fairly large quantities, including Conrail, CSX, Santa Fe and Union Pacific. Most of these units are still in regular mainline and heavy-haul freight service today. Due to various mergers, they can also be seen operating for new owners Norfolk Southern and BNSF.



  • Ditch lights
  • Number boards, sand fill hatch, and marker lights where appropriate by railroad (8-40CW only)
  • Realistic die-cast underframe
  • Highly detailed coupler cut bars
  • Multiple unit hoses and trainline hoses
  • Five-pole skewed armature motor with dual flywheels for optimum performance at all speeds
  • Separately-installed scale windshield wipers, metal grab irons and fine scale handrails
  • Directional lighting
  • Painted crew members
  • Snowplow and piping on trucks
  • Recommended minimum radius: 22”


Upgraded Features for both Silver & Gold

  • Metal Couplers
  • Improved headlight/ditchlight color and brightness
  • Independently controlled lit number boards
  • Independently controlled lit marker lights (for appropriate road names)
  • Improved windshield glazing
  • Etched metal windshield wipers
  • New cab side without sunshade mount track (for appropriate road names)


Silver Sound Ready

Atlas Silver Sound Ready models are equipped with a speaker for easy conversion to sound with the addition of a decoder.

Atlas Master Series Silver Additional Features:

  • NMRA 21-pin plug for DCC (Decoder-ready)


Atlas Master Series Gold Additional Features:

  • Supports all DCC-programming modes
  • Flexible mapping of function keys F0 to F31 .
  • Follows all NMRA DCC standards and recommended practices.


ESU LokSound Functionality Features:

  • Over 20 sound effects are available, including engine start-up and shutdown, prime mover sounds through all eight notches, bell, air horn, air compressor, dynamic brakes and more.
  • There are 16 user-selectable horns, 2 user-selectable bells, and 2 user-selectable synchronized brake squeals.
  • Manual & Automatic Notching modes with the ability to change modes ”on the fly” are provided for true realism.



$209.95 US