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MTH - Premier - O Scale 3-Rail - R-11 4-Car Subway Set with Proto-Sound 3.0 - Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) - (Silver) (SKU 507-20206941)

Available On: February 1, 2017


At its introduction in 1949, the R-11 was billed - accurately - as the Train of the Future: "Expectations are high for construction of the Second Avenue subway and the futuristic new subway cars that will run on it. Made from gleaming stainless steel, the cars have a range of modern innovations: round porthole windows that would look at home on a rocket ship; high-tech air purification systems that use ultraviolet lamps to kill germs; illuminated route maps on the wall; and - incredible as it seems - public address systems that make clear, intelligible announcements."

$629.95 US