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Intermountain - HO Scale - R-70-20 57 ft Refrigerator Car - Union Pacific (UPFE) (Yellow/Black Lettering) Single Car - 6 Road Numbers Available (13-18) (SKU 85-48805-run3)

Available On: August 1, 2012


UPFE served the Union Pacific upon the break-up of PFE. This new model is decorated in Armor yellow, with the large red, white, and blue UP shield on the left. The ends are also yellow and the roof is white. The model includes etched metal details, wire details, 33 in. dia. metal wheelsets, and Kadee® #78 scale-size couplers.


Built:  NEW  5-69

Stock Number / Car Number    
-13  457634 -14  457716 -15  457867
-16  457884 -17  457909 -18  458932

$34.95 US