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MTH - HO Scale - EMD F-3A - Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR)(Green w/Gold Striping & Lettering) - Road Number 9680 (DCC Ready) (SKU 507-8120020)

Available On: October 1, 2010

The EMD F-unit, built by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors, was "the diesel that did it" - vanquished the steam engine from American railroads. While other diesel manufacturers competed with EMD, the various versions of the ubiquitous F unit - FT, F3, and F7 - became the icons of the diesel revolution.

In 1939-40, a quartet of F-units barnstormed across 35 states, logging 83,764 miles on 20 railroads and proving once and for all that diesels were the wave of the future. One of EMD's largest customers was the Pennslvania Railroad. On Pennsylvania mainlines from the east Coast to Chicago, new EMD diesels displaced the Pennsy-designed steamers that had been the symbols of the "P Company." While other diesel manufacturers competed with EMD, the various versions of the ubiquitous F unit - FT, F3, and F7 - became the icons of the diesel revolution.


  • Intricately Detailed ABS Body
  • Detailed Truck Sides, Pilots and Fuel Tank
  • Die-Cast Metal Chassis
  • (2) Cab Figures
  • Directionally Controlled Headlights
  • Operating MARS Light
  • RP-25 Metal Wheels Mounted On Metal Axles
  • (2) Kadee Compatible Magnetic Couplers
  • Operates On Code 70, 83, & 100 Rail Curves
  • Powerful 12-Volt 5-Pole Skew-Wound Precision Flywheel Equipped Motor
  • DCC Ready
  • Unit Measures:7" x 1 7/16" x 2 3/8"
  • Operates On 18" Radius Curves
Reservations Due By: July 30, 2010
Expected Release: October 2010

$79.95 US