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Atlas Masterpiece Automotive Replicas - HO Scale - 1914 Austro Daimler 18/32 Top Down (SKU 150-99087015)

Available On: September 1, 2007

Austro Daimler was originally a subsidiary of Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG), one of the world's first automobile manufacturing companies. The establishment of a new manufacturing facility made Daimler the first multinational automaker in history. Taking advantage of a growing rift with its parent company, the Austrian subsidiary reorganized and split from DMG. The firm was renamed Austo-Daimler on July 27, 1906. Four years later, the name changed again, becoming the Austrian Daimler Engines AG and adopting the Austrian imperial double-headed eagle as its logo. Today, Austro-Daimler automobiles are rare and often command premium prices.


Prototypically accurate 1:87 Scale replicas
Collector's quality detail
Prototypical paint colors where applicable
Display case

$16.95 US