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Apr 1, 2010 - N Scale

ORDER DEADLINE ALERT - Atlas N Master announces new roads and new road numbers for Hart Ballast Cars

You must place an order for any of these products NOW if you want GUARANTEED DELIVERY.


Built by ACF from 1940-1953, the 70-Ton Hart Ballast Cars were formally known as "Hart Selective Service Ballast Cars" due to the use of specially-designed doors which allowed the lading to be discharged one of three ways: to the center of the rails, to the center and sides of the rails, or to the side of the rails only.

- Die Cast Couplers
- 70-ton Friction Bearing Trucks
- Accumate Offset Shank Couplers
- Accurate painting and printing
- Fully detailed interior, including cross-bracing & side stiffeners

Six Road Numbers available


Reserve by April 4, 2010

Expect delivery in September 2010



Product Details

Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Undec - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Great Northern (GN) (Road Numbers 7 -12) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Louisville & Nashville (Brown/White) Road Numbers 7 - 12 - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Burlington (Red/White/Black) Road Numbers 7 - 12 - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Chicago & North Western (Brown/White/Black) Road Numbers 7 - 12 - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Atcheson Topeka & Santa Fe (Repaint) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - British Columbia Rail (BCR)(Road Numbers 1 - 6 Available) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Erie (Road Numbers 1 - 6) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Milwaukee Road (MILW) (Road Numbers 1 - 6) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Missouri Kansas & Texas (MKT) (Road Numbers 1- 6) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01
Atlas - N Scale - 70 Ton Hart Ballast Car - Denver & Rio Grande Western (D&RGW) (Road Numbers 1 - 6) - Expected Release Date: 2010-09-01

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